20,000+ page views

I started writing on this Blog in March 2014, which was six months ago now. I can't believe how quickly the time has gone! This Blog has now had 20,000+ visitors in that time

I just want to say a big thank you to all of the readers, and contributors. I have thoroughly enjoyed the process and I've been lucky enough to meet and stay in contact with some great people. 

This marker does beg the question - Are my reading numbers good, poor or average for six months? I honestly have no idea.......

As of Monday 8th September, I've had 20,290 visitors since I started the Blog and 3,441 visitors in the last 4 weeks. 

My 'most read' article is Life on a Bike which has 291 views. 

Do any Bloggers or readers know how my numbers stack up to other Blogs out there after 6 months? 

I would also like to take this opportunity to request any general feedback on my Blog so far. If you have any words of encouragement or suggestions on how I could improve it I would be very grateful.

If anyone is interested in me writing about a certain topic, please let me know. I want to find a balance of writing about subjects that people find interesting, as well as what interests me. 

Thank you all once again!
